How to Navigate the 5 BIGGEST Challenges of PostChristian Culture

This video will help you understand and navigate the 5 biggest challenges of PostChristian culture and help you be a more confident and effective follower of Jesus. It will give you more boldness and help you lead your family in a confused culture.

What is culture? How do you live out your Christian faith in a hostile culture? How do you equip your kids and teens with a biblical worldview? How is Gen Z being shaped by growing up in a PostChristian Culture and what can you do to help them follow Jesus?

Discover the 5 Things Every Teenager Needs to Build a Lasting Faith (COURSE)

#26: Sincerity Is Not Enough

Sincerity is Not Enough

Devotion and Sincerity are admirable. But when it comes to questions of reality, we know this is not enough.

In our “follow your heart,” “You do you” and personalize everything to my own preferences world–this can be confusing.

Every day through Spotify, Netflix, and YouTube–People are discipled by our culture to think that right and wrong, gender, sexuality, and spirituality are determined by what I—as an individual–choose to believe. That’s the height of freedom right? Wrong.

Why? Because we all know that we’ve been sincerely wrong. Remember all those tests you took that your teacher had the audacity to count certain answers incorrect? Remember how sincere you were on the SAT and ACT? They didn’t care.

Or think of it this way. I am not a fan of heights. Why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?

But if I did, I would assure you that I would have all the sincerity in the world when I pulled the ripcord on that parachute.

But if that chute was improperly packed, I am going to have a very bad day.

Sincerity doesn’t change reality.

If we live in God’s Universe—and I think the evidence for that is very strong by the way—then God sets the rules and defines reality. And we either cooperate with it or slam into it when our beliefs are wrong.

And the best way to navigate reality is to read the designer’s manual—the Bible. It teaches us what is true and how to live.

#20: Learning to Think in a Culture Ruled by Feelings


Learning to think in a culture ruled by feelings.

The words we use to talk about our faith shapes how the people around us approach Christianity.

Have you ever noticed how often people start talking about Jesus, the Bible, or God With “feeling” language?

“I just feel that Jesus would…”
“It doesn’t feel like God would…”
“I just feel that’s not what the Bible says…”

Feelings are great but they’re not the foundation of our faith

Now don’t get me wrong, feelings are great. But they’re not the foundation of our faith. And they certainly don’t determine what’s true.

Feelings come and go. They change.

Feelings are not wrong or right. They just are.

They’re a barometer of the soul. A snapshot of our internal life at a particular moment in time.

Thinking connects (more…)

Will Your Teenagers Graduate from Their Faith After High School?

Welcome to College in Post-Christian America

This is a question I recently discussed on the Christian Parenting website.

Will your teenage son or daughter still be walking with Jesus when they graduate college? Or will they leave their faith behind as they walk off that graduation stage to start a new chapter of life?

As parents, we want what’s best for our kids. As Christians, we know that means following Jesus for a lifetime. That’s certainly what I want as a father of three. But we’ve also seen the stats and they’re not encouraging:

– Depending on the study, approximately fifty percent will disengage from their faith during the college years (there is no indication from the research that they are or will come back).
– Forty-seven percent of American emerging adults agreed that “morals are relative, there are not definite rights and wrongs for everybody.”
– Fifty-four percent of “conservative protestant” teenagers affirmed that there was more than one way to God.

Dear Parents: Welcome to College in Post-Christian America

Did you know that (more…)