#30: How to Explain the Trinity to a Child

How to Explain the Trinity to a Child

How do you explain the Trinity to a child? For that matter, how do you explain the Trinity to anyone?

The first thing you need to know is that the Bible never uses the word “Trinity.” The word Trinity captures the various ways the Bible talks about the nature of God.

Also, the Trinity is one of the essential and foundational doctrines of the Christian faith. You can’t have Christianity without it.

I want to share a clear and memorable way to understand what the Bible teaches about the Trinity. I first came across this illustration from Norm Geisler.

One What and Three Who’s

There is one what and three who’s. There is one God and three persons. The “what” refers to the nature of God that all three persons share.

The belief that there is only one God is clearly taught in Scripture. For example,

“Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! – Deuteronomy 6:4

That there are three persons is also clearly taught in Scripture. We see all three persons described and at work in various passages, including 2 Cor. 13:14:

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.”

The Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father. Each is a distinct person. Three who’s. (more…)

Did Jesus Rise From the Dead? (Resurrection Video)

Animated Apologetics Video For Kids

How do we know that Jesus rose from the dead?

Is believing in the resurrection like believing in fairytales?

In this short animated apologetics video, you will find some powerful evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus.

Watch it with your kids and then (more…)

3 Social Media Challenges Every Parent Needs To Help Their Teenager Navigate

And the 3 Key Questions to Ask...

Can you imagine a world without social media? No Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. It’s hard right?

The reality is that while Social Media has profoundly shaped us as adults, it is completely reinventing what it means to come of age as a teenager.

As someone who has the privilege of teaching and mentoring students in the areas of Biblical worldview, apologetics, and culture, I get a front row seat to the opportunities and challenges facing our young people.

The irony is we are a culture that longs for connection and intimacy, but we hide behind our devices because they give us the illusion of control. We are afraid of being known.

So as the social media revolution continues, we need to (more…)

Why Kids Need a Biblical Worldview and Where to Start

3 Reasons Every Parent Needs to Know

If you’re a parent, then you want your kids to live well. You want them to flourish. You want them to follow Jesus all the days of their lives. This is a prayer I regularly pray for my kids. But how does this happen? What does this look like? What’s at stake? It starts with building a biblical worldview.


#1: Are We Raising a Generation of Almost Christians? [Podcast]

Your Worldview Minute with Jonathan Morrow Episode 1

Are we raising a generation of almost Christians? Why are students walking away from the faith? As moms and dads, how do we help our children build a lasting faith? How do we overcome a culture dominated by feelings? How do we make a difference in the lives of our children? These are just few of the questions I talk about in this episode of Your Worldview Podcast.

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Go Deeper >> Why it matters that Christianity is a historical faith