3 Lies Students Believe About Freedom That Will Ruin Their Lives

Our culture worships freedom. The only problem is that real freedom doesn’t mean what most people think it means. And the next generation of students are paying the price because they are being robbed of the life they are really after.

True happiness–“flourishing”–is only possible if students are able to break free from the lies and embrace genuine freedom.

3 Lies Students Believe About Freedom

(1) My choices only affect me. “You can do whatever you want as long as you don’t hurt someone.” This slogan is everywhere! Our culture perpetuates this lie but you need to know there are several fatal flaws with this way of thinking. First and foremost it (more…)

Why the Ivy League Can’t Give Students a Life that Truly Matters

People want to live a life that matters. Nobody wants to waste their life right?

And many today think that a college education is necessary for living a good life. And if you can somehow get into the Ivy League, well, then that’s the golden ticket to the inside track.

[Tweet “”A diploma doesn’t guarantee human flourishing.””]

ivyleagueBut let the buyer beware. You should know that the Ivy league cannot deliver meaning and purpose. And to be fair…most colleges can’t either. Why?

They are simply not equipped to. And their inability is creating disillusionment and drift among this generation.

To see this, listen to the candid admission made by Harvard psychologist Stephen Pinker:

“Perhaps I am emblematic of everything that is wrong with elite American education, but I have no idea how to get my students to build a self or become a soul. It isn’t taught in graduate school, and in the hundreds of faculty appointments and promotions I have participated in, we’ve never evaluated a candidate on how well he or she could accomplish it.”

The fundamental question here is this: what is a human life for? How do you become fully human? And this is a worldview question.

The Problem with Colleges and Universities Today

The problem can be summarized in a word–reductionism.

[Tweet “”The Ivy League Can’t Give Students a Life that Truly Matters””]

Not to worry, I will unpack this. But this concept is essential to grasp because it’s everywhere. It is the assumption that drives the whole show in modern education.

Here is what reductionism looks like: You take a human being and reduce him or her to merely an information and data container. As I have written elsewhere, this reductionism is why we are failing our students.

Is information important? Yes. But is it the whole enchilada? Not even close.

It doesn’t have to be this way. The Christian worldview provides the resources and holistic vision necessary for how you give a student–or any human being for that matter–a meaningful life. I have shared my thoughts on how to teach from a Christian worldview in another post.

However, just so I am not misunderstood, I think education is a great thing–especially for Christians. College is and can be a very important path to living well. But true education is not about testing well or finding a job that pays the bills–it’s about living well.

A diploma doesn’t guarantee human flourishing (i.e., what is classically understood as “happiness” before we completely emotionalized the term in the modern era). And the sooner we figure that out the better off we will all be.

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Article: How to Respond to the “That’s Just Your Interpretation” Objection

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Students Need A Real World Faith

All around the country high school students are getting ready to graduate.

Unprecedented freedom is just around the corner…they can almost taste it! Soon they will packing up and heading off to college–away from mom, dad, their youth pastor, church, and many of their friends. Are they ready?

9780825433542-3DMost likely they are not ready for the intellectual, spiritual, and moral challenges that are waiting on them. Around 50% will disengage from their Christian faith during the college years. But they can be prepared–or at least have a fighting chance!

Let me be honest with you. A small, graduation gift book with short pithy inspirational quotes is not going to cut it. That will evaporate in about 10 seconds. I know this from experience. I know what is waiting for students on campus. I work with this generation. We live in a post-Christian culture. That is why I wrote Welcome to College: A Christ-Follower’s Guide For the Journey.

Even if they just use it as a door stop until the day they need it, that’s OK. When they get challenged in class or when they are dealing with doubts or are tempted to compromise their moral standards it will be waiting on them in their dorm room when you aren’t there with them and they may not have the courage to ask for help.

I am gratified to have heard stories of Welcome to College helping students around the country stand strong in their faith and make wise choices. It excites me when I see youth pastors buy copies and give them away to all their seniors. Please don’t get me wrong, it’s not a magic bullet. But it covers pretty much any challenge a student will face in the college years.

I am passionate about seeing this generation own their faith. That’s why I wrote this book. That’s why I do what I do. This graduation please consider giving your son or daughter a copy of Welcome to College. Or have one mailed to a friend’s son or daughter. Whatever you do, please don’t let your student head off to college with just another Christian pep talk on graduation Sunday. Good intentions, emotions, and will power will only go so far. Training is needed. Check out this summer worldview and apologetics training opportunity that I am a part of. We’d love to see your high schooler!

If your son and daughter is not graduating yet, why not pick up a copy and work through it together? The chapters are very readable, only 3-5 pages each and cover 41 different topics. In the back of the book there are discussion questions to help with dinner conversations. Students need a real world faith. My prayer is that this book would help them along that path! (cf. Rom. 12:2).

“Wow! What a book! Quite frankly, this is the book I’ve been waiting for the last forty years to give to college students. It is the single best volume I have ever read for preparing students for how to follow Jesus and flourish as his disciple in college.” –J.P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

If you found this post helpful, you would enjoy How to Respond to the “That’s Just Your Interpretation” Objection

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Why We Are Failing Our Students

We can’t just sit back and assume that just because a student goes to church or attends youth group that they are ready to follow Christ in today’s culture. Attendance isn’t cutting it; training is needed. And with it, a compelling vision of true education. 59% of Christian students losing their faith is unacceptable.

Welcome to College by Jonathan MorrowI am convinced that the prevailing approach to education in our society is doing a great disservice to students. As a culture we can do better but as Christians we must do better. Unfortunately, much of contemporary education has come to be identified with data acquisition.

[Tweet “”True education cannot sever the purpose for which we exist from who we are.””]

However, simply regurgitating facts does not mean that one is educated. The ability to look something up on Google or Wikipedia is useful to be sure and I am certainly thankful for the unprecedented access to information available today, but this ability is not to be confused or conflated with education.

In order to understand what it means to be educated, we need to answer a fundamental question—what is a human being for? If a human being is understood to be the result of a blind, random process that did not have him in mind, then strictly speaking there is no objective purpose (this is the contemporary Darwinian narrative).

But if a human being is specially created in the image of an essentially relational God, then education is about flourishing according to God’s design and for his glory. True education cannot sever the purpose for which we exist from who we are.

As Christians, we must resist the reductionism so common in our culture today. For as one of my professors put it one time, “education is not about testing well…but living well.” I’ve written a post about how to build a Christian worldview and I’ve also have attempted to make a start at recovering true integration for students in my book Welcome to College: A Christ-Follower’s Guide For the Journey. Here’s what some leading Christian thinkers are saying about it:

“Wow! What a book! Quite frankly, this is the book I’ve been waiting for the last forty years to give to college students. It is the single best volume I have ever read for preparing students for how to follow Jesus and flourish as his disciple in college.” – J.P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

“Jonathan has both the intellectual resources as well as the practical experience to provide an effective students’ survival guide to university life. I’m impressed with the wide array of issues he discusses, from intellectual challenges to financial problems to sexual snares to getting enough sleep! All this is done in easily digestible bits for the student on the run.” – William Lane Craig, Philosopher, Theologian and Author, Reasonable Faith

“Unpacking biblical truths, Welcome to College is a treasure book of wisdom that will literally save lives and help build a culture of life.” – Kelly Monroe Kullberg, Author, Finding God Beyond Harvard: The Quest for Veritas (Founder of the Veritas Forum)

Thousands of parents and churches have already used Welcome to College as a gift for their high school graduates and it’s exciting to hear the stories of how God is using this book. It is gratifying to me as an author and my prayer is that many more students are encouraged and equipped by it in this year’s class.

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Article: Cotton Candy Christianity

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Exiled from Vanderbilt: How Colleges are Driving Religious Groups off Campus (Video)

Please take 9 min. and watch this important video.

This is not a secondary issue…religious liberty impacts all of us. Please share this and consider standing up for religious freedom by reading and signing the Manhattan declaration.

Want to learn to navigate all of the opportunities and challenges of college life? Consider reading Welcome to College: A Christ-Follower’s Guide For the Journey