Why Christians Need To Change Their Tone In Cultural Conversations

The truth about God is too important not to be seriously investigated and honestly discussed. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take very long for friendly conversations to devolve into shouting matches—and this helps no one. The fact of the matter is that belief and unbelief are here to stay: neither one will be disappearing anytime soon. So it does no good to vilify the other side. If any real progress is to be made, we must change the tone of this cultural conversation.

In his thought-provoking book No One Sees God: The Dark Night of Atheists and Believers, Michael Novak contends that “unbelievers and believers need to learn a new habit of reasoned and mutually respectful conversation.” I agree, and as we now inhabit a post-Christian culture, this posture is more important than ever.

What do you think? Have you found it easier or more difficult to have helpful spiritual conversations with people today? Leave your comments below.

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